Labyrinth, how to draw a labyrinth with a cross and four dots [49 A4 sheets / 208 × 147 cm].
Droit, Henri Lefebvre and Le droit à la ville, «Quotations» series [49 A4 sheets / 208 × 147 cm].
Feff 1, Louis Henri Sullivan and Form Ever Follows Function design statement, «Quotations» series [49 A4 sheets / 208 × 147 cm].
Feff 2, Louis Henri Sullivan and Form Ever Follows Function design statement, «Quotations» series [32 A4 sheets / 168 × 119 cm].
Troupeau, Bernard Stiegler and individualism in Aimer, s'aimer, nous aimer, «Quotations» series [49 A4 sheets / 208 × 147 cm].
Shoplift, Jean Eustache and books in La maman et la putain from the «Quotations» series [49 A4 sheets / 208 × 147 cm].
House & Tower, architectural photographs documenting São Paulo «pichação» lettering [49 A4 sheets / 208 × 147 cm].
Witchcraft, Emily Dickinson, witchcraft and geometry, «Quotations» series [35 A4 sheets / 208 × 147 cm].
Alphabet A4, an all uppercase paper alphabet with complete punctuation signs to compose DIN modular posters and different messages [64 A4 sheets].
59 to 1, visual adaptation of a song from the band Tuxedomoon [25 A4 sheets / 208 × 147 cm].
Find, visual adaptation of the song Cities (1979) from the band The Talking Heads [25 A4 sheets / 208 × 147 cm].
That Place, At Any Rate, reprint of three articles of Ken Garland, some thoughts on street lettering, from corporate logotypes to graffiti: «Horrible, horrible ?» (1988), «Improper lettering» (1988), «Design and the Spirit of the Place» (1995) [A5 format / 14,5 × 21 cm / 38 pages].
Metropolis, reprint in French and English in an unique booklet of the article of Georg Simmel «Die Großstädte und das Geistesleben» (1903): «Métropoles et mentalité» and «The Metropolis and Mental Life» [10,5 × 29,7 cm / 54 pages].
Kool Killer, reprint in French of the original article of Jean Baudrillard «Kool Killer ou l'insurrection par les signes» (1976), reflexions on the early graffiti of New York. A complete English translation «Kool Killer or the insurrection of signs» is also available in this booklet [A5 format / 14,5 × 21 cm / 40 pages].
Rhythm in Type Design, an original essay (2000) of the Argentinian type designer Alejandro Lo Celso, [A5 format / 14,5 × 21 cm / 38 pages].
De La Misère, intégralité du texte de la brochure De la misère en milieu étudiant considérée sous ses aspects économique, politique, psychologique, sexuel et notamment intellectuel et de quelques moyens pour y remédier publiée en 1966 aux frais de la section strasbourgeoise de l’Union Nationale des Étudiants de France des membres de l’Internationale Situationiste ayant infiltré cette organisation syndicale étudiante afin de s’approprier les crédits nécessaires à la publication de ce pamphlet de 28 pages à 10 000 exemplaires [format A5 / 14,5 × 21 cm / 80 pages].
Modular poster mounting, instructions to assemble surfaces composed of 49 × A4 formats.
Booklet binding, instructions to design the different objects of the A5 collection.
Booklet folding, instructions to design the different objects of the A6 collection.
Latin Dishu, a calligraphic model based on Chinese street brushes & expansion contrast [format A6 / 10,5 × 14,85 cm / recto + verso printing on single A4 sheet].